Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week 9 - Immigration Flow Map

This was an interesting lab.  I experimented with various color schemes and pallets. I compared the "monochrome looks" with multi-colored looks and as you see here settled on the multi-color look since the regions stood out better and helped me to convey the immigration message.
I wanted to see how much I could do in ArcGIS then compare the end result with AI.  The end product is definitely more polished after AI than directly from ArcGIS.  Yes, I rather knew that it would.  What I find interesting is that the same information is presented and for the quick solution ArcGIS is sufficient.  If a map quality presentation is needed then one needs to have a finishing product like AI. 

My trick to get my curves was a digital version of what I did years ago.  Cartographers used to use these gizmos called french curves.  They are a set of odd looking shapes because the are made of lots of complex curves.  So I drew my lines, created some complex curves then fitted the lines to the curves.. 

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